Tuesday, April 1, 2014

You should be in Maderas beach, Nicaragua!

Well, I just got back from a three month stay in Nicaragua. I was pretty lucky to pass the entire winter there in the middle of the jungle eating papayas and documenting the slow life.

To be honest I'd never thought about going to Nicaragua before. It was a casualty I ended up in Maderas beach. A place I never heard about before either. Anyway, the opportunity arose and I was proposed to go to this very particular "Maderas Village" hotel boutique to work with my pictures. What  attracted me in first place of the offer was the fact of "surfing warm water everyday". The hotel is just 10 minutes away from the beach and the surf spot is just excellent.

Now that I'm back I can say that this experience was really life changing. I didn't see it when I was there, but now I can tell by the way I feel about the world I'm back again.
Anyway, I will tell you plenty stories about my stay in this magical place. By the moment I let you with some pictures about the village and the beach!

The "airy" Maderas Village 
The cottages in a very bright moonlight
One little "casita". I slept here for some time. Such a rad experience reminding me a tree house from my childhood

The "Maderas" surf spot in a very fun day for long boarders

We use to seat under this tree after surf to eat some pineapple, papayas, and play the guitar with the good friends

This French girl, I think her name was Jo, works at a circus as an acrobat, so beautiful performances she gave us

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