Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Preparing for our next retreat... Bali, the Island of Gods!

As you know we will have our next Surf & Yoga retreat this January in Bali, the island of Gods.
This will be our first time offering a retreat in Bali and me and the girls organizing are nervous, but most of all excited to explore this new frontier all together to offer you a true catered and unique experience.
We are four girls organizing the whole, and each of us are specialized in the four areas to cover in this retreat, which are: surf, yoga, healthy food, and professional photography.
Well, exactly one year ago in November, we were preparing our first retreat in Nicaragua, at the beautiful beach of Maderas in the pacific coast. We had a tremendous time, and everything fell into place to had a very nice retreat.
From the participants, to the place itself & the owners,  the food and the amazing sunsets surfing, this trip was one of a kind, and we hope to repeat it next year for sure.

In the meantime, we were wondering that maybe you're thinking to come with us to Bali, but you're still not sure about how is the vibe of our retreats? Well, I just prepared a little resume of how the last year's retreat was and here in this link you have a few reviews of the participants last year available in Yogatrail.

If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to ask. We still have places for both dates in Bali and would love you to come with us, just send me an inquiry and I'll be happy to answer you anything

Go to this link to see what we prepared for you at the Bali retreat.
If you're more curious, you can see all the pics of the Nicaragua retreat in 2014, here.

Have a great day!

Our place, truly in the middle of the jungle
Eating breakfast at 8.00 am. In the jungle you better get up early!
Marc, one of our participants
Watermelon, Papaya & pineapple delis!
Jungle alarm clock; howler monkey outside our rooms
Our incredible yoga platform.. you can't beat yoga with jungle views!
Yoga before breakfast, perfect way to start the day and open your appetite
Tough session for the girls ;)
Savasana pose
The Maderas beach view
The girls, just enjoying themselves
And there was surf for everybody
Little peelers, but great maneuvers
Maderas offers all kind of waves! Even longboard
Gathering after surf
Some others were just enjoying watching the surf & the sunset
Dinner time was always unbeatable with great ambiance on the table, and Juan & Javi hosting us
After dinner, we enjoyed a little bit of Flor de CaƱa all together
And we even celebrated with banana cake, Chaz & Gabrielle's birthday at the retreat :)

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